Wednesday, April 27, 2011

it is birthday season in our world. anna last week, corey today, my dad tomorrow, me next thursday, elijah next saturday. busy and broke!
we had a nice party with friends and family tonight. our dear friend, julissa, shares a birthday with corey; she and her husband joined us for our little shindig. julissa and i had fun rocking just dance on the wii. my mom filmed us, and threatened to put it on the web.
elijah is now a climber and a walker, officially. he climbed out of his high chair monday. he also figured out how to climb onto the couch and how to climb the front of his stroller. tuesday, he decided that he wanted to go to the entertainment center, and took four steps to get to it, on his own. are we ever in trouble now.
humorously, it is worth mentioning that the cabinet latches meant to keep him safe from the items inside the cabinets now reside in his toy box. in their place you will find his toys, that is, his little links. they fit snugly around the two door pulls. he doesn't have the strength to pry them loose. he figured out how to unlock the cabinet latches within five minutes of me putting them up. i have tried to make it work, to no avail. the rings are a nice substitution.

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