Wednesday, September 29, 2010

think for yourself

while talking with a dear friend earlier, i realized something intriguing. for some reason, i have it in my head that unless my thoughts are validated by an outside source, they themselves are invalid. what a strange concept. i am so afraid to think for myself that i must seek another person to hide beneath. this is absolute craziness. why is it so difficult to think for yourself? why does the fear of confrontation cause me to cower, to go along with things i do not believe at all, just to keep the peace? i don't want to live confined by fear. i want to soar, to rise above the temporal. i want to be me. how we rob the world when we hide the unique creation that we really are. i'm not sure the resolution, but i am sure that the revelation will reset my path. only time will tell. for now, i am okay with possibility and the indefinite.

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